Vista from our hotel (orientation) in Vina--blurry but still lovely.
My new room! This is when I was moving in last Saturday.
Sunset view from out apartment's balcony--made even more interesting by all the smoke in the air from a wildfire that's been going on.
Statue of Arturo Prats, historical Chilean icon. (and Virna, one of our Spanish profesoras)
Ascensores! Very steep but way less terrifying than I expected. This is how we reached Cerro Alegre in Valpo yesterday.
Gorgeous view of Valpo from high up in Cerro Alegre.
Examples of the amazing street art in Valpo. I took pictures of so many beautiful murals--hard to pick just a couple to show here! The second photo is of two of my classmates snapping photos of a mural of people sitting on a stoop--we seriously thought they were real people at first. This is not a mentira (lie).
Calle en Cerro Alegre.
And finalmente, my adorable host primo (cousin), Octavio. This is a photo of him scooting backwards on the floor in our apartment, which he really enjoys doing. Besides the fact that I already love babies/children, it's different to be around a little guy learning to talk in SPANISH. He waves and says a muffled "hola!" when he sees everyone. Tomorrow is his joint birthday party with his brother Clemente (who is turning 4 and Octavio just turned 1)--I am very excited to meet more of my extended family! Best wishes to everyone--may you all be able to scoot backwards and forwards on the floor of life if you so please. Something tells me that phrase is not going to catch on...
1 comment:
la Virna! she's incredible and i kind of secretly always wanted to be exactly like her. arturo & evelyn taught my class and i loved them both. also, if you have pedro, you should call him translates roughly to shnookums and the last class he taught loved to call him that after he taught them the word!
estoy super feliz que hayas disfrutado tu tiempo en tengas tiempo, debes ir a quintay- es una caleta y una playa 50 minutos (por bus) desde valpo...puedes tomar la micro en la calle errazuriz en valpo y llegar directamente en quintay. es mi lugar favorito en todo de chile; super piolo, gente amable, un lugar simplemente tranquilo. creo que hay informacion en lonely planet, si tengas el libro contigo...
que sigas disfrutando el tiempo!
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